She Sheds are becoming more popular each Spring, as women find that they need their own space to retreat to like men do with their man caves. It does not matter how big or small the space is, as long as it serves its relaxation purposes. I just might have to turn my daughter’s playhouse into my own little she shed in a few years. 😉 I found these and just HAD to share all these beauties with you.
This could easily be every woman’s she shed dream… Black Sheep Antiques via Country Living
Anybody would be lucky to have a creative craft room like this!Daisy Mae Belle
This one is ah-mazing!! Look at those doors! I am seriously in love!
Such a pretty and airy space for lounging around.Ella Claire
I would love to sit here and blog all day
This French Country garden shed has me swooning.Erica George Dines via Country Living
This tiny space got turned into the perfect sewing nook.Junkaholique
She Sheds do not have to have 4 walls. This is perfect for lazy days.
Lazy Sunday Cooking
This is one dreamy hideaway I’d LOVE to have.Lindsay Appel
This is like a vintage treasure just waiting for people to use it.Living Vintage
This beauty is like something out of a fairy tale.My Shabby Streamside Studio
A bunch of old windows transformed this glass house.
The Pineapple Room
You would not believe the interior of this one! The Shabby Creek Cottage
A gardening shed like this would just be incredible, green thumb or not.
The Tinkerhouse Trading Company via Country Living
Such a cozy area.Tippy Stockton via Paper & Stitch
This backyard retreat looks so much like a tiny house.Under a Pile of Scrap
A little slice of Americana right in your own yard.via Country Living
A renovated greenhouse makes for a magical entertaining space.via Home & Garden
This company makes their own sheds, but it is up to homeowners on how they finish them!Woodtex
A blissful retreat under some gorgeous blooms of Spring.The Devine Life
Now do these She Sheds have YOU dreaming of your own!?
These are fabulous. I own and operate a “consignment store” and I’m always looking for ideas, and decorating ideas. You can find us on Face Book under “Wakefield Collectibles”, or Yelp. 7900 sq. ft, that once was a warehouse/feed & seed store. It’s now clean, inviting, and full of “grandma and grandpa’s furniture (real wood), cast iron, and ideas for items people can use in “She Sheds”.
Thanks for sharing! Brenda