One of the rooms in our new home I am most excited about is our butler’s pantry. It is a pretty good size and I want to make it super cute and charming. I want it to feel like you have walked into an old apothecary shop or vintage candy store. I will be sharing my design board soon, but I have been tons of research to find the perfect hex flooring.
I want to do hex flooring with some kind of pattern or word in it. There are lots of options out there, but I am having trouble picking the winner. I have said it a thousand times, but I want to stay with classic elements in our home. You cannot go wrong with vintage hex tile. It is timeless. I want to make it more fun though with something unique. Do I want a border? A pattern? A word? Some combo? So many choices!
Here are some inspiration photos I have been using to help me come up with what is best for this space.
Via Life Styled
via Walls and Floors
Via Foxwood.Designco
Via OsteriaCrescendo
Via Fleur Maison Co
Via Su Casa Design
Via Rafterhouse
Via Jenna Sue
Via Widell Boschetti
Via Vintage Builders
Via Mistletoe Trading Co for Margin Coffee
I think I am leaning toward a border with a number or word right at the opening. I love the way the No. looks in tile and also the way the Co looks in tile, but I just don’t know the number or the word! HA! See how hard this is?
This room will be white with a rolling ladder, lots of light, bead board on all the walls and a wallpaper on the ceiling. Imagine cookbooks, cute glass jars, etc. HELP! What do you think I should put?
My builder’s wife Michelle Vastano with Joseph Paul Homes told me about this amazing tool where you can play around and create your own hex tile design pattern. It is super helpful! Check it out!
No Place Like Home
That is a cute idea. Thank you!