WOW, life has been an absolute whirlwind the last few weeks. If you have been following along you knew that we were waiting desperately for our “CO” (certificate of occupancy) so we could move in to our new home for Christmas. Of course nothing is ever easy, but we managed to get everything approved Dec 20! Nothing like last minute! The CO meant we could move in which was HUGE because we had to be out of the farmhouse by the end of December and we WERE HOSTING OUR ENTIRE FAMILY CHRISTMAS DAY!!! We were on the clock! This does not mean our house is completely finished. We still have lots of punch list items like paint, hardware, etc, but our home was livable and that is all we needed!
December 20, as soon as we got the CO, we started moving boxes over to the new house that we could start unpacking and organizing like dishes, bathroom stuff, etc. December 21 we had the movers lined up and the process began. Geoff coordinated everything at the Farmhouse and I was at the new house working on the stuff we moved over the day before. All of our furniture, etc arrived from the farmhouse around 5pm and we unloaded until about 10pm! We didn’t stop there. Geoff and I continued to unpack, etc until about 3 am and then woke up at 6a, to go back at it. This is what our life looked like for the next 3 days! It is a total blur of adrenaline, excitement and pure exhaustion! Thankful to our friends/family who helped out with our kids!
Many of your said we are super human. I would also add crazy to that mix ;)! We had sooooo many things to unpack and sort through because we had boxes that had been in storage over 2.5 years from our last move and I had no idea what was in there. I also wanted to streamline my stuff and purge! I will be having a HUGE SALE soon with tons of furniture and decor. . .stay tuned.
Anyway, my big tip is I pretty much knew where I wanted everything to go. I had designed the house in my head for a long time so as the movers came I could pretty much tell them exactly where I wanted everything. This made it so the big stuff was in place for the most part and just needed to decorate and organize around it.
December 21 we also had pool table installers come to set up our pool table and some of our new furniture delivered. It is all about scheduling and being very organized to pull this off!
Geoff and I literally worked non-stop with about 4 hours of sleep a night until Dec 24 when I said we need to stop and enjoy Christmas eve with our kids. We went out and got all our favorite foods for take out and watched a Christmas movie in the game room. It was wonderful. After the kids went to bed we stayed up for another 4 hours finalizing everything.
WE DID IT!! We moved, organized, decorated, decorated for Christmas and set up our entire home in 4 days, plus we played Santa Clause and had everything ready to go Christmas morning! It was a true Christmas miracle and so special to enjoy our home on Christmas day!!
We opened gifts, hung out in PJs and then got ready for everyone to arrive. Not only did we have to get moved in, BUT WE HOSTED CHRISTMAS DAY AT OUR HOME FOR 10 PEOPLE! Then my mom, stepdad and uncle stayed for the next few days. It was absolutely wonderful, but we needed everything set up. There was no shoving stuff in guest rooms, etc. We were using all bedrooms, bathrooms, etc. Our home was put to the full test! We all learned my oven together, the flow of the house, etc!
I am so glad to be in and I am so glad all that is behind us! Geoff and I joke that our marriage is rock solid! The last few years we survived selling a home, building a home, the craziest building market, a pandemic and moving in 4 days and still really like each other! #marryyourbestfriend
After my family left on Dec 28 we went back to the farmhouse to clean it up, move a few smaller things out, etc and continued to unpack boxes we had in the garage. Then we left for Carlton landing Dec 31 with friends and were there until Jan 3. School started back the next day. We are loving our home, but have not had many typical days in it yet. They have all been pretty action packed. Now that the kids are back in school we are working on our punch list and finalizing things like window treatments, etc. I feel like we did 95% of the home in 4 days and the remaining 5% will take some time. Excited to share all the things and take yall along the ride! Hope everyone had a wonderful holiday season! Get ready for lots of home content in 2023!!!
Y’all’s house is so beautiful I’m so happy for y’all.