A few weeks ago I shared some details about building our dream home. I love houses, always have. I love looking at them, designing them, touring them, etc. We custom built our current home and loved the entire process. A few years after living here we decided that while we loved it, it was not going to be our forever home. Geoff and I have spend countless hours over the last few years talking about what we wanted in our next home, and designing it in our minds. For me picking the perfect piece of land was key and I am so excited to share that we found it. . .we bought a lot!
For the past several years I have kept my eyes open to see if anything popped up that was “the one” and while there were some beautiful lots, nothing really caught my eye until about a year ago. I knew when I saw it I would just know. I had a lot of things I wanted. More land, lots of trees, a kind of country feel, I didn’t want to be in a typical neighborhood and I wanted tons of charm and character. HA! So many things on this wish list, but if it was going to be the dream home and we were going to make the move, I wanted it to be perfect.
There is a street where we live that I have always been in love with. It looks like something in a movie. It is tree lined where all the trees kind of make a tunnel that you drive through, it is kind of secluded while still having neighbors, there are cows and horses nearby, the location is great, there is a mixture of types on homes in the area, and this one particular home on the street has always caught my eye, it is just so cute. Well, there was a farmhouse back there with about 22 acres that decided to sell and split up the land and one of the lots was just perfect.
I came home one day freaking out because I had found “the one”. Geoff was happy for me, but we were just not ready to make the purchase at that time. I cannot tell you how many times I drove by that lot, prayed about that lot, checked MLS to make sure it was still available, etc. Ultimately, I decided if it was meant to be it would happen, but it was still stressful. About a year after first laying eyes on this lot, we decided it was the right time to move forward and luckily the lot was still available! I may have shed a tear or 2 this day!
The whole lot buying process was a long one. Custom building is a whole other ballgame that we had to learn about and while very exciting, it can be overwhelming. I will save all those details for another blog post, but for now. . . here is our lot! It is 2 acres, at the end of a cul-de-sac and heavily wooded. It was exactly what we were looking for!
We took our family photos on the lot so they were extra special this year. Here was our Christmas card…each photos was taken on our land. I love the stone column. There is one on either side of the drive and this was the old entrance to the original farmhouse so we are keeping them as the entry to our home. I love that they are original.
We are waiting until our home sells to break ground so for now we are kind of on hold, but we love driving by the land, the kids like to go out there an play,etc. We are planning a picnic out there soon. Below Avery and her friend built a stick fort. I cannot wait to have lots of space for the kids to play outside and get creative. I grew up by the woods and spend hours and hours making countless memories there.
I cannot wait to share this entire process with all of you!
So excited for you! Looking forward to watching this journey and dream come true unfold for you and your family, congratulations!!
Awe thank you so much!