This was our 2nd home. Geoff and I designed this house on a napkin one night about 12 years ago and seeing it become our home was so special. This is the house we became a family in. My babies had all their firsts here, I started my Instagram while we lived here, Geoff changed his career here, we had some of the most wonderful days and also some terribly hard days, we quarantined here, homeschooled here, worked here and grew here. We spent almost a decade in this home and now it’s time to say goodbye😢
Goodbyes are always hard, but so excited for our next chapter. Lots of fun things ahead.
🐓 We will be living in the cutest farmhouse (#FARMhouseofhargrove) for the next year and a half or so while we build our dream home. Thanks for following along in this journey with us. So much fun stuff to come…