This is Us starts back today and if you are anything like me you have been counting down the days until this show came back. It makes me laugh, cry, think and just feel good. It reminds me a lot of Parenthood which is one of my other favorite shows! Anyway, in honor of the show coming back I thought it would be fun to share a little about our family.
We are in such a fun phase of life. The kiddos are such a great age and we are trying to soak it all in. School has started back (Avery is in 1st grade, Braden in Preschool) so we are busy with those activities. Geoff and I are super blessed to have unique, flexible schedules. We both work from home so are able to adjust our work life around kids/social activities. Geoff and I love day movie dates while the kids are at school, but then we may work late at night while the kids sleep….just shift things around a little bit. While we love family nights at home we are all on the go a lot. We love doing things with friends so we can be found many nights at a local restaurant with other families having lots of fun. Between kids, work & friends we are very busy, but we would’t have it any other way. Each chapter passes so quickly and we are in a nice little bubble of family time without all the craziness of sports/activities of 2 kids. Braden will start sports in the Spring and Avery will also play soccer so our weekends will be spent at games….right now we are pretty wide open and I want to really make the most of it!
GEOFF: He keeps busy with his real estate job (he flips and owner finances homes) and plays poker about once a week. For those who are new to the blog Geoff used to be a full time professional poker player. He has been doing his house job for almost 3 years now, but still fits poker in here and there. He is doing Indian Princess with Avery this year so that will be amazing Father/Daughter time and he is counting down the days until Braden starts sports! Geoff and I believe strongly in having girls/guy nights. Football season is here so he’s loving that and he is known to have a blast at guy poker nights in our poker room! He is the best Dad and husband in the world and I cannot imagine doing life with anyone else!
ME: Balance would be my key word right now. I have so many things I love that I really work hard to keep a great balance with all of them. I absolutely love blogging and it has been an incredible outlet that I pinch myself everyday I get to do. I am coming up on my 2 year anniversary of blogging (as a job) and it seems hard to believe! My kiddos are at such a special age that I want to be involved in everything because right now they still want me there. I try to have lunch with Avery several times each month, I try to have lots of family time and one on one time with each of my kids. Braden is in preschool 2 days a week so he and I get lots of time when he is out of school. Not only is Geoff my husband, but he is my best friend. I absolutely love spending time with him so we try to squeeze in as much time as possible both with the kids and alone. Having family near by is the biggest blessing ever! The grandparents love spending the time with the kids, and we get some adult time. I am so blessed to have an amazing group of girlfriends and I truly value them and want to make lots of time for them. I try to fit in as many girls nights/lunches as I can. It truly makes me a better wife and mom when I spend time with my girls! This time of year is my favorite, but just like for everyone it is the busiest time of year. My job gets a lot crazier and the social activities are endless. Many memories are made, but I need January to hibernate 🙂
I always dreamed of having a little girl and wow….she has blown every dream out of the water. Not only do I love her to pieces, but I really like her. She is funny, smart, compassionate, sassy, silly, fun, loyal, honest and wise beyond her years. She completely keeps me on my toes and I know I am learning more from her than she is from me! She is a little social butterfly and loves her friends deeply. She loves school, acting, singing, performing…did I mention singing. I swear we live in a musical around here. She is the best big sister in the world. She is my little helper. She is working hard for her Talent Show coming up at school and looking forward to trying basketball for the first time this Winter. She is the happiest person I know. She literally wakes up each morning with a smile on her face and most likely making up a song. She talks non stop. Like, it is amazing how much the kid has to say. She even laughs at herself and says….”Mom, I sure talk a lot”. HAHA! She is always thinking of others and how she can make people feel good. We “adopted” a child through the Compassion project last year and listening to Avery talk about things we can do to try to make her life better just warms my heart. She loves JESUS and candy with all her heart 🙂 She asked me one time what Jesus’s favorite candy is so she could get him some. Anyone know the answer?? 🙂
What a joy this little guy is to be around. He is full of life, always happy like his sister, so sweet with a splash of mischievousness, he is a rule follower, his favorite word is “why”, he knows what he wants and loves to give hugs. He has about 5 “lovies” on rotation and each is his favorite for about 3 weeks and then they switch. As I type this “Bear” is the current favorite, but give it a few weeks. He is in preschool 2 days a week and will start Montessori with our favorite teacher ever in the Spring. He is working hard on potty training and doing an amazing job! He gets so proud of himself when he goes and it is the cutest thing ever! He LOVE sports! I mean, loves them. If there are sports on a TV across a restaurant on mute in a tiny corner he will spot it and want to go see it. He loves balls, his PJs with balls on them and his favorite night time song is “Take me out to the Ballgame”. He cannot wait to start soccer in the Spring. Another thing he loves is his SISTER! “Sissy” or “Avey” (as he calls her) can do no wrong. He just wants to be around her all the time and do what she does. I grew up an only child so seeing them interact is my favorite. They love having slumber parties together and I love it too! He will be 3 in November and is growing up way too fast. The amount of change I have seen over the last 6 months is both exciting and sad! He is sounding less and less like a baby every day! He gets super jealous if I am holding another baby and he will give me the best cuddles ever afterwards. So….if you have a baby can we meet up so I can get more snuggles?! I just cannot get enough of them! Slow down time!
There you have it….just a little bit about US. If you are looking for me tonight, I will be on the couch, glued to the TV watching This is Us both laughing and crying I am sure! Who is with me?!
Love the post! You guys are the sweetest family! Can’t wait to watch This is Us tonight!!!!